Bootcamp Kizomba Beginners

Samen met mijn danspartner nodigen wij jullie uit om 26 mei deze fantastische bootcamp Kizomba beginners mee te doen!   What to expect?   * Basic moves * Musicality * Controle of your body * How to use the dance floor * Many more..   De bootcamp zal om 14:30 starten tot 17:00 met een […]


Amanné Tweede walstraat 118, Nijmegen, Netherlands

DJ Latin Pro presents When two hearts become one by fusion you get ♥♥♥♥♥FUSÁO♥♥♥♥♥ Exclusive Bachata & Kizomba Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WORKSHOPS * - Kizomba Fusion by WANITA & ADILSON @ 21:00h till 22:00h *Doors open at 20:45 hours - Bachata Dominican by RICHENDEL & SELINA @ 22:15h till 23:15h ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACHATA AREA LATIN PRO […]

€9.00 – €32.50